Meet The Creators of ‘This Is My Happy Place’


Where did you get the idea to write ‘This Is My Happy Place’?

I was sitting on the beach with my family and marvelling at how happy everyone looked. I thought to myself, This is MY Happy Place . . . in fact, it’s LOTS of people’s Happy Place.

And so, the seed was sown. 😊

Why did you write ‘This Is My Happy Place’?

In our super-busy, modern world it can be all too easy to forget to spend time in our Happy Places. I thought it would be fun to remind everyone to stop and think about the people, places and things that bring us joy – as seen through the lens of our senses of touch, taste, sight, sound and smell – and to celebrate our Happy Places. Plus, of course, encouraging us to spend more time in them. 😊

Fun Facts: March 20th every year is International Day of Happiness 😊 So why not make an extra effort on this day to spend time in your very own special Happy Place. When we’re in our Happy Place, the smiling muscles in our face trigger our brain to release special chemicals, which makes us feel even happier!

Science has also shown us that simply ‘thinking’ about our Happy Places has a positive effect on our state of mind. That’s right, you don’t even have to visit your Happy Place, to feel happy! So, if you’re having a bumpy day, why not think about your Happy Place, and how you feel in it – using all of your senses. 😊    

What is your Happy Place? And why?

I have LOTS of Happy Places! But my ‘Number 1’ Happy Place is being immersed in nature and swimming in the surf – which I have done since childhood. I really love the feeling of the frothy saltwater swishing up my nose, and the sunshine kissing my face as my body is carried through the waves. I look forward to my annual surf holiday in NSW, and I will always seek out any opportunity to swim in the ocean throughout the year in Victoria, too. 😊 Though, I haven’t yet been brave enough to become a winter-swimming ‘Iceberger’ in Melbourne! But never say never!


What did you enjoy about illustrating ‘This Is My Happy Place’?

Illustrating ‘This Is My Happy Place’ was such a great project to be a part of. I was allowed a good sense of creative freedom when composing the spreads and the feedback from the writer, Emma and Coral from Affirm Press were all so encouraging. The process of the page spreads coming together was such a joy!

Each piece of artwork reminded me of my childhood and what it felt like again to experience those happy places.

What medium/s did you use to illustrate ‘This Is My Happy Place’?

For this book, I used my Wacom tablet – so everything was created digitally, with my reliable, ‘go-to’ brushes on Photoshop it enabled me to create my signature style of spontaneous, ink pen lines.

What is your Happy Place? And why?

I have two happy places. The first is, as a child, being around the dining table with my whole family. My Amma (Mum) would always make such a wonderful selection of Indian food, the aroma was divine. Amma and Abba (Dad), myself and my older siblings would be talking, laughing and sharing stories, it was such a special time.
The second is, as me now, walking in the fields nearby our home in East Sussex, with my wonderful partner Harry and our dog Juno. Watching Juno run in the green grasses, and us just looking at the sky, enjoying the breeze from The South Downs, and talking about our next adventure!

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